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2013년 12월 4일 수요일

About 'industry comparison financial ratios'|...Similarly, the cover price of the Financial Times is $2...collective consciousness of the retail industry. Two, buisinesses...never had a 1:1 time ratio, historically. It's a bit like...

About 'industry comparison financial ratios'|...Similarly, the cover price of the Financial Times is $2...collective consciousness of the retail industry. Two, buisinesses...never had a 1:1 time ratio, historically. It's a bit like...

A               big               difference               between               bonds               and               stocks               as               investments               are               that               bonds               are               considered               'bear'               investments               and               stocks               are               considered               'bullish'.

In               other               words,               when               the               stock               market               is               being               flailed               and               vulnerable               to               10-20%               swings,               more               cautious               investors               may               head               for               the               bond               market               in               which               returns               may               be               more               stable               and/or               fluctuate               less.

Some               investment               advisers               believe               it               is               sensible               to               diversify               investments               between               the               two               markets               via               portfolio               ratios               such               as               30:70,               or               40:60.

In               turn,               this               can               be               an               indicator               of               a               particular               firms               stance               on               the               market.

Bonds               and               Stocks               really               are               two               different               breeds               of               investment.

Bonds,               especially               the               Government               kind,               are               less               vulnerable               to               recessions               and               weak               market               conditions               because               their               value               is               tied               to               their               interest               rates.

The               value               of               stocks               however,               is               generally               not               coupled               to               interest               rates               per               se,               but               rather               share               price               via               economic               and               market               conditions.

While               a               change               in               the               Federal               reserve               funds               rate               may               influence               stock               prices,               these               changes               in               valuation               are               correlation               only               and               not               an               absolute               relationship               as               with               bonds.
               Risks               and               Rewards:
               There               are               risks               and               rewards               associated               with               both               bonds               and               stocks               because               of               principles               such               as               opportunity               cost               and               market               timing.

Time               value               of               money               is               also               a               factor               in               the               pricing               of               investments               because               present               values               of               an               investment               are               determined               in               part               by               the               future               flow               of               income               and/or               capital               gains               via               stock               dividends,               bond               interest               payments,               as               well               as               changing               industry               and/or               market               conditions.

As               these               things               change,               the               foreseeable               value               of               investments               can               rise               or               decline               because               of               better               investments               such               as               higher               yielding               bonds,               a               giant               new               contract               for               a               newly               financially               streamlined               company,               or               an               IPO               in               a               high               demand               industry.

Risks               and               rewards               associated               with               stocks               and               bonds               are               listed               below:
               *Financial               Stability:               In               the               case               of               bonds,               an               investor               can               generally               have               more               peace               of               mind               because               even               if               interest               rates               do               rise               causing               the               price               of               bonds               to               lower,               the               percentage               fluctuation               in               price               is               likely               to               not               be               as               great               as               can               occur               in               the               valuation               of               stocks.
               *Earnings               Potential:               The               earnings               potential               is               most               often               higher               in               the               stock               market               because               stock               prices               are               essentially               unlimited               in               how               much               they               can               rise.

For               example,               a               stock               price               can               rise               as               much               as               50%               over               the               course               of               a               few               months               under               certain               circumstances               whereas               the               chances               of               this               type               of               percentage               rise               affecting               a               bond               is               significantly               lower.
               *Opportunity               Cost:               If               one               has               bought               a               substantial               position               in               Bonds,               such               as               80%               of               one's               investment               portfolio               and               a               dramatic               improvement               in               economic               conditions               emerge,               the               return               on               stocks               could               prove               fantastic               in               comparison               to               bonds               making               the               opportunity               cost               higher               of               holding               the               bonds               higher.
               *Leveraging:               When               one               has               investments               in               Bonds               one               may               be               able               to               take               out               loans               against               those               Bonds               and               in               effect               leverage               a               new               position               into               another               financial               instrument.

In               other               words,               a               financial               institution               or               private               lender               may               view               paper               or               Government               bonds               held               outside               of               an               exchange               as               good               collateral               for               a               loan               which               can               be               used               to               make               further               investments.

With               stocks,               such               leveraging               may               not               be               as               likely               due               to               their               potential               volatility               and               nature               of               exchange.
               *Timing:               Since               the               primary               risks               involving               bonds               is               that               interest               rates               on               bonds               may               rise               after               bonds               have               been               purchased               and               vice               versa,               how               an               investor               uses               time               in               each               market               becomes               a               potential               risk               or               reward.

That               is               to               say,               if               an               investor               does               not               time               investments               well               by               entering               too               early,               or               exiting               too               late,               that               investor               faces               timing               related               risks               and               rewards.

In               the               former               case,               if               one               buys               bonds               with               an               interest               rate               of               3.5%               fixed               returns               and               the               rate               changes               to               4%               the               value               of               the               3.5%               bond               becomes               lower,               the               investor               has               in               essence               been               affected               by               timing               risk.

The               same               holds               true               for               stocks.

For               example,               if               an               investor               takes               a               position               in               a               company               that               is               very               financially               strong,               if               the               timing               is               wrong,               the               investor               may               still               lose.

This               is               especially               true               in               companies               that               benefit               from               seasonal               and               cyclical               trends.
               Deciding               What               to               Invest               In:
               Making               the               decision               to               invest               in               stocks               and               bonds               does               not               have               to               be               daunting.

It               is               for               all               intents               and               purposes               impossible               to               predict               all               financial               conditions,               price               movements               and               economic               conditions.

While               forecasting,               technical               analysis               and               fundamental               analysis               of               financial               information               can               assist               with               predicting               investment               outcomes,               eventually               an               investor               either               decides               to               invest,               not               invest               or               think               some               more.
               When               choosing               stocks               and/or               bonds               one               may               consider               the               above               information               in               determining               how               much               of               each               investment               would               be               prudent               given               current               financial               trends               and               data.

Conditions               in               the               stock               market               can               affect               conditions               in               the               bond               market               and               vice               versa.

Bonds               often               serve               as               a               hedge               against               stocks,               and               stocks               assist               in               capitalizing               on               market               conditions.

By               investing               in               both,               one               can               potentially               benefit               from               the               best               of               both               financial               markets.

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